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Welcome to Robins

Robins is our Reception class at Gretton and is made up of 15 children. We strive to ensure a smooth transition from nursery/pre-school settings to give children the best possible start at school. We achieve this through home and setting visits during the summer term and a two-week staggered start in September. 

Meet our Team:

Laura              Clare Lacey

EYFS Lead and Robins Class Teacher: Miss Cross
Robins Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lacey

Our Curriculum:

We provide a personalised curriculum, led by the children's interests, in order to equip our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to become successful learners. This lays the best foundations for their journey through school. Please follow the link at the bottom of this page to view our Curriculum Progression document. 

At Gretton, learning is meticulously planned to meet the needs and interests of all learners. In Robins, we explore the seven areas of learning through a variety of whole class, group learning and child-initiated play. Please follow the link at the bottom of this page to view our Continuous Provision Progression document. 

Robins are fortunate to experience a weekly Forest School session at our local Forest School site. During our sessions, children are encouraged to develop independence skills, improve their decision-making and raise their self-esteem through small, achievable tasks. These include activities such as bug hunting, den building, mud painting, hide and seek and toasting marshmallows on a campfire.

Our chosen SSP (Systematic Synthetic Phonics) is Little Wandle. We provide daily Phonics sessions to provide the children with the skills and knowledge to become confident early readers and writers. 

In Robins, we use Drawing Club to teach literacy in the Autumn term. We are passionate about immersing children in the world of stories to ensure purpose and enjoyment in the writing process. We also believe in the importance of sharing a treasure trove of vocabulary to open up the playground of language to all of our children. 

Maths is taught in small, sequential steps using the White Rose Maths programme of study. We also follow the Mastering Number programme, enabling our children to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense. 

Useful Information:
Phonics books are sent out every Friday and will need to be returned to school the following Monday. Sharing books are handed out every Monday and will need to be returned, ready to receive a new book, the following Monday

PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon so children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on this day. 


Autumn Term
Here is our Topic Web for the Autumn Term: