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As an Academy, Gretton Primary is responsible for its own admissions, however, the Local Authority (LA) will coordinate the admissions process to Reception on behalf of the Governing Body, including allocating places. The school will handle all in-year admissions and parents should contact the school for the relevant admission forms.

For admission to the ‘Reception’ year the LA issues a Common Application Form and co-ordinates offers where it is the ‘home’ LA for pupils. Parents/carers must submit their Common Application Form, stating their preferred schools, to the Admissions and Transfer Team at the Local Authority no later than the published deadline. The Admissions & Transfer Team can be contacted at:

Education, Learning and Libraries, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TP Telephone: 01452 425407. Email: Applications can be made online at: admissions.

Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available (both in the normal round of ‘Reception’ admissions and for in -year admissions), the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

i) A ‘looked after child’, in the care of a LA, or being provided with accommodation by a LA in the exercise of their social services functions.

ii) Children who will have siblings attending the school at the time the applicant child is admitted.

iii) Children with the strongest geographical claim, measured in a straight line from the O. S. address point of the child’s home address to the school, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.

Where any particular category at points (i)–(ii) above is oversubscribed, criterion (iii) (strongest geographical claim) will be used to determine which child is offered a place.

In the event of a tie between two or more children when applying criterion (iii) (strongest geographical claim) where there are not enough places available to offer all children a place at the school, a process of random allocation will be followed by the school as its own Admissions Authority. This will be in the form of a process which is overseen by an independent party. Where twins or children from multiple births are part of a random allocation process, they will be considered as one applicant.

For more detailed information on the process please refer to the school’s Admissions Policy.